Blended Learning and Teaching Show Case
Creator: Dr Xiaojun Chen, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UNSW
Following are the 6 example apps for blended learning project of Civil Engineering

Case 1: Interactive Module

In this interactive module, students can create graphics and check the quality of their graphic.

Case 2: Online Quiz

In this online quiz, a timer is set to guarantee that students finish the quiz in a given time frame.

Case 3: Revision Quiz

This is a less strict version of revision quiz, which contains various types of questions. Students still need to finish all of the questions to submit.

Case 4: Interactive Course

This is an interactive module for teaching how to draw bending moment diagrams for Engineering Mechanics, which contains a step-by-step example question and an interactive tool.

Case 5: Learning Module

This is an interactive learning module for Mohr's Circle. Students can use the sliders to interacte with the Mohr's Circle and stress block, and see their relationship

Case 6: Online Structure Calculator   please click:

This structural calculator can be used to created arbitary 2D structures, and calculate and plot their shear force, axial force and bending moment.